VolunteerCoronado CARES offers a variety of ways you can help animals and people. The work CCARES accomplishes every year would not be possible without the generous contributions of its volunteers. By joining a team of dedicated volunteers, you will be helping CCARES in its mission to promote animal welfare, to provide resources for proper animal care and to reduce the number of homeless animals.
We welcome you to join our talented and hard-working team! [email protected] |
Donate Express your love for animals, kindness and compassion by donating to Coronado CARES today. Coronado CARES receives no government funding and relies solely on supporters like you to help animals in need. Coronado CARES is a 501(c)3 non-profit, and donations are tax deductable.
You can donate or by mailing your donation (checks payable to Coronado CARES) to: Coronado CARES P.O. Box 181033 Coronado, CA 92178 You may also donate using Paypal: |